Something good just got better (a little family competition never hurts).
Switchgrass Filter Sock is much lighter than a Compost Filter Silt Sock of similar diameter. This allows for all sorts of efficiencies (see below). The biggest one – you can put down more sock each day. This is important for large projects where E&S crews have to keep up.
Performance matters – Independent testing shows that Switchgrass Filter Sock and Compost Filter Sock have similar hydraulic flow and sediment removal characteristics*.
*TRI Environmental Testing –ASTM 7351 and 5141
Compared to Compost Filter Sock
Switch Sock is light in weight but not performance. Lay more down a day and keep up with demand.
Similar hydraulic flow and sediment removal rates
Same high-quality netting as palletized CFS
Stakes in kit for placement every 5 feet (CFS is 10 feet)
Available pre-filled diameters are 8, 12, 18, and 24 – inch
Palletized standard in a supersack and available in continuous or precut lengths
Much lower weight per pallet (650 lbs vs. 1750 lbs)
On average, 36% more footage per Tractor Load (1430 vs.1950 linear feet of 18 – inch).

Other Benefits
Switch Sock promotes vegetative growth better than Compost Filter Sock. Cut the sock, spread the fill and recycle the netting.
Promotes vegetative cover better than CFS fill
Can be stacked in a pyramid. Especially useful when CFS is placed on bottom rows and SGFS is placed on upper rows.