Pollutant Removal – EnviroSoxx stops pollutants from leaving your site.
EnviroSoxx® is the most versatile and cost-effective filter for stormwater pollutant removal. A passive filtration system ready to install on any site, EnviroSoxx targets the most common pollutants in stormwater runoff, particularly in urban watersheds, sensitive receiving waters, and Total Maximum Daily Load – TMDL (§303d) listed water bodies. EnviroSoxx help industrial stormwater permit holders/MS4s comply with their permits, easily and quickly. EnviroSoxx can be applied on bare soil, vegetation, or impervious surfaces in the path of sheet flow or concentrated flow to target stormwater pollutants.
EnviroSoxx is available in two filter blends to target common pollutants.
Industrial Blend: Targets a range of heavy metals, hydrocarbons, nutrients, and sediment. Also targets pH.
Advanced Blend: Targets bacteria, nutrients, hydrocarbons, select heavy metals, and sediment.
- Reduces stormwater pollutant loads
- Fits existing infrastructure
- Easy to maintain & replace
- Third-party researched
- Use on hard & impervious surfaces such as pavement/asphalt without the need to trench or stake
- Cost-effective system
- EXTREME durable mesh stands up to hard surfaces and harsh site conditions
- BACTERIA removal up to 99%
- HEAVY METALS removal up to 73%
- NUTRIENTS removal up to 92%
- HYDROCARBONS removal up to 99%

- Agriculture
- Airports
- Brownfields
- Bulk storage
- CAFO’s
- Compost facilities
- Drilling/fracking sites
- Equipment wash-down
- Factories
- Fueling stations
- Fire water runoff
- Golf courses
- Heavy industry
- Industrial sites
- Landfills & transfer stations
- Maintenance
- Marinas & boat washes
- Military bases
- Nurseries
- Oil & fuel spills
- Parking lots
- Pet parks
- Recycling facilities
- Roadways
- Rooftops
- Sewers & septics
- Sumps
- Vehicle wash stations
- Urban runoff
- Wetland overflows

- In swales, bioswales, ditches, or channels
- Around site perimeters or contaminated areas
- Across landscapes or impervious surfaces
- Around curb or drain inlets or outfalls
- As flow or filtration baffles
- Pre-treatment for bioretention, rain garden, storm water ponds, or similar storm water treatment systems
- Flow velocity reduction
- Infiltration enhancement
- Compliance with industrial or municipal storm water permits, part of TMDL, Green Infrastructure, or Low Impact Development ordinances
- Treatment on or around animal feeding operations, agricultural cropping systems, and mining operations
- As an integral component of a holistic, treatment train approach to site stormwater management