The Netting You Choose Matters.
The most competitive, advanced, and recognized compost filter sock nettings in the erosion & sediment control industries are now available for you to manufacture & market. Our line of Filtrexx CFS Pallet Netting meets the durability, strength, and longevity needs for all standard sediment control applications. Choose bulk lengths, or roll lengths to optimize your pre-filled, palletized compost filter sock.
Filtrexx CFS Pallet Netting is Made in the USA and in compliance with most state and federal agencies including USEPA, AASHTO, USDA NRCS and US ACE. Available in a variety of materials to meet your sediment control project needs – download the Pallet Netting flyer for more information or the comprehensive Product Catalog to see all product configurations.
Product Types
Meet all specs with this versatile, economical netting that is good for most sediment control applications. Available in bulk rolls.

This 100% cotton netting is biodegradable, eliminating the need for field removal. Functional field longevity up to 12 months. Meets applicable federal/state specifications for natural and biodegradable materials.

Natural Plus
This 100% wood fiber netting is biodegradable, eliminating the need for field removal. Functional field longevity up to 18 months. Meets applicable federal/state specifications for natural and biodegradable materials.

Durable Plus
Our most durable pallet netting is the most widely recognized and used netting in the industry. Rolls are pre-cut to standard pallet lengths. Ask about our “Powered by Filtrexx” Partner Program.

No trenching required & installs 3x faster than silt fence
Superior filtering with third-party tested results
Stays in place & won’t fall down
Just cut mesh & spread compost
When choosing a BMP for your project, do you consider the total cost of it? Installation, maintenance and removal are all costs that add up.
Sediment Removal Efficiency (removal efficiency performance may vary under conditions different from those tested and reported here)
SiltSoxx: TRI-Environmental, ASTM D6459. [PDF] TechLink #3333 and TechLink #3334
Silt fence: San Diego State University, Modified ASTM D6459. [PDF] TechLink #3331
Straw wattle: Data from TRI-Environmental, ASTM D6459. [PDF] TechLink #3333
Off-spec filter sock: Data from TRI-Environmental, ASTM D6459. [PDF] TechLink #3333
Rock/gravel bag: Soil Control Lab, ASTM D3977-97C. [PDF] TechLink #3332
Installation Time Comparison: Performed by Clearwater Colorado (2015) [Video]
Maintenance Comparison: EPA Erosion Control Alternatives Cost Calculator (2006). [PDF] click here [XLS] click here
Total Project Costs Comparison: EPA Erosion Control Alternatives Cost Calculator (2006). [PDF] click here [XLS] click here