About Filtrexx

The Filtrexx Brand

Grounded in Science. Filled with Possibilities.

In 2022, the acquisition of Filtrexx by MKB Company created a powerful force in the erosion & sediment control and stormwater management industries. Now united as one industry leader, we are dedicated to manufacturing groundbreaking products and solutions that cater to contractors and distributors who prioritize environmental excellence.

For years, both MKB and Filtrexx have been individually pioneering innovative products and services, as well as educating the industry on the most effective and reliable stormwater BMPs available. By merging our expertise and bringing together our product lines, we are proud to present the finest erosion and stormwater control offerings to the entire industry nationwide.

Under the Filtrexx brand, you can now find all tubular/filter sock products manufactured by MKB Company. MKB upholds the Filtrexx legacy of being a leader in research-driven product development. You can trust Filtrexx Advanced Tubular Products to be high-performance, research-backed, reliable, and cost-effective. We continue to innovate BMPs for both construction and post-construction applications by developing advanced netting and fill material options.

You’ll continue to see our signature Green® color in our SiltSoxx product line, representing a sustainable product, trusted by customers and regulators, that saves you money.

While we have refreshed the Filtrexx brand, maintaining our recognizable ‘r’ icon pays homage to its legacy. The transition to an uppercase, bold font signifies the official integration of Filtrexx into the MKB family – making us bigger, stronger, and bolder together.

MKB Company stands committed to preserving the legacy of the Filtrexx brand, ensuring your trust remains intact as we unite as one.

The Filtrexx Brand
Filtrexx Logo Old to New

Filtrexx Products

Filtrexx SiltSoxx, the original compost filter sock, is now a part of the MKB family. Get the same quality and research-backed product that you’ve come to trust for sediment control.
Filled with rice hull filter media, SiltSoxx RH is the newest, lightest filter sock for your BMP toolbox. Use SiltSoxx RH just like a compost filter sock for standard sediment control applications.
Install more filter media sock each day with SwitchSoxx – a lightweight alternative to compost sock. Plus, the carefully sourced switchgrass fill promotes vegetative growth once your job is complete.
Straw wattles are a staple of any BMP toolbox. Choose from a selection of common wattles, advanced netting wattles, or biodegradable wattles.
Divert stormwater runoff, naturally. DiversionSoxx, a conveyance BMP, replaces excavated freshwater diversion ditches. Fresh water flows along (not through) DiversionSoxx & around the disturbed area.
When you need a temporary yet robust filter berm, StormCatcher is ready for the job. Its innovative rice hull + gravel fill allows for a high flow, high sediment retention BMP.
Sometimes you need a filter sock that can be moved. Designed for daily portability, use RoadWattle across access roads, during rainouts, and near stream crossings on pipeline and powerline projects.
Easy to install, hard to beat. Reliable and durable, multiple CFS Installer Netting types ensure the right fit for field installation with blower trucks or track machines.
Stop pollutants from leaving your site today – EnviroSoxx targets over 20 common post-construction stormwater pollutants including metals, nutrients, hydrocarbons, bacteria, pH, and suspended solids.
StormExx CLEAN catch basin filters are designed to fit most existing storm water drain systems to capture sediment and pollutants.
Quickly establish vegetation for Green Infrastructure and LID applications with GroSoxx. A modular, vegetated filter sock, GroSoxx provides a stable and fertile environment for plant growth.
Naturally restore eroded or damaged slopes, riparian waterways, shoreline banks, and more with GreenLoxx. Create attractive, naturally vegetated landscapes without the use of hard concrete materials.